Fire Risk Assessment (FRA)

Did you know that if you owned a business in the UK, since 2006 it has been law to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) of your workplace?

The dangers of not conducting a FRA of your workplace can include large fines, invalidated business insurance and potential risk to employees and visitors.

The fire safety of your workplace and employees is now up to you!

Did you know that 60% of UK businesses that suffer the devastating effects of fire never re-open as a direct result?

Don’t let your business fall foul to the risks posed in your workplace.

Introduction to FRAs

A FRA is an organised way of looking at today’s workplace to identify potential fire hazards and minimise the risks they pose. A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm and the risk is the chance of harm occurring.

FRAs help to ensure your workplace is safer for you and your employees. They monitor highly hazardous areas more closely, helping lower the potentially devastating effects of fire.

This usually involves looking at each area of the workplace and using simple checklists to identify the hazards. Once identified, you then decide whether a hazard is significant and take action to ensure the risk is minimal.

Prestige Fire Protection Ltd can help you by conducting a thorough FRA of your workplace.

Contact us now to see how we can ensure you are safe, compliant and are proactively reducing the risk of fire in your workplace.